First Came The Landscape, 2022

Sculpture in Elm, 12 x 5 m

First Came the Landscape is a skeleton made from trunks, libs and branches from elm trees that grew nearby but died after being infected by the Dutch elm disease. It rests directly on the soil in a small forest grove with beech trees on the south side of the ridge where Uppsala konstmuseum is located.

It was part of the outdoor summer exhibition Resonating Bodies at Uppsala konstmuseum (2022) and is left at the site.

A second skeleton, comissioned by Eden Projects, Cornwall (2023), was made of a single beech tree that grew nearby and was blown down during Storm Eunice in 2022. A third was made from dead Elm trees and placed on the wooden floor of Malmö konsthall during the exhibition Frutti di Mare (2023). It now rests on the soil at Guldängens bygglekplats in Malmö.